This is a discussion about data. The data types owned, how data changes, and a pragmatic view of data threats. It’s also a discussion about risk. How it’s measured, our ability to plan for it, how it changes, and its never-ending presence. Join Steve Stone, Head of Rubrik Zero Labs and seasoned cybersecurity veterans to learn how they assess and navigate risk and what you can do to prepare your organization.
Referencing findings from the recent Zero Labs State of Data Security report, you’ll learn:
Steven Stone Head of Rubrik Zero Labs
Bipul Sinha Co-Founder & CEO, Rubrik
Humans don’t deal with uncertainty well. When faced with the possibility of something happening, we like to think either: “Yes, this most definitely will happen,” or “No, this definitely won’t happen.” In reality, things are a bit more squishy. If a meteorologist tells you there’s a 52% chance of rain in your area, they’re not telling you definitively, “Yes, it will rain,” or “No, it won’t.” What they can say is the risk of rain is about the same as a coin flip. Then there’s the details we really want: How much rain? Is it a sprinkling or a deluge? Do I just stay home? These decisions are yours and yours alone.
Join this session to hear from the Head of Rubrik Zero Labs, Steve Stone and Rubrik’s Co-founder & CEO, Bipul Sinha discuss risk in the resiliency process.
Steven Stone Head of Rubrik Zero Labs
Heather Hughes Vice President – Customer Engagement, AON
When it rains, it pours. Few organizations are prepared for the data deluge caused by ransomware, but the organizations able to understand and limit data theft and have recoverable backups are the most resilient in the face of ransomware attacks.
Join this session to hear from the Head of Rubrik Zero Labs, Steve Stone sit down with leading cyber insurance organization AON’s, VP of Customer Engagement Heather Hughes to discuss:
Steven Stone Head of Rubrik Zero Labs
Tina Thorstenson Vice President – Executive Strategy, CrowdStrike
Sam Curry Global Vice President, CISO, Zscaler
Let’s start with a basic question: Are attackers likely to target your data? How much of your newsfeed is real versus FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt)? Nobody can tell you with 100% certainty if you’ll be hit with a cyberattack, but we can tell you what happened to your peers last year.
Join this session to gain insight into the latest discoveries from three of the leading reports within the cybersecurity industry.
Steven Stone Head of Rubrik Zero Labs
Rick Bryant Healthcare Chief Technology Officer, Rubrik
Healthcare organizations secure more data overall, far more sensitive data, and see data growth rates outpacing the overall global average. Join this session to hear from the Head of Rubrik Zero Labs, Steve Stone sit down with Rick Bryant, Rubrik’s Healthcare CTO to discuss the Zero Labs Report findings, the challenges of securing Healthcare work, and the opportunities to support Healthcare organizations in their patient care outputs.